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DNS and DHCP: all you need to know

DNS and DHCP: all you need to know

DNS is a domain name system that associates them with assigned numbers. It is designed to facilitate the search for Internet resources and the interpretation of domain names into IP addresses.

Any device on the network has its IP address and this is the only way devices communicate with each other by sending requests and responding to them. Any website on the Internet is the same computer that has its address, consisting of many numbers. The Domain Name System (DNS) is very useful. When the address is entered, the request is processed by the DNS server and directed strictly to the address.

DNS — can the result be wrong?

The DNS server, through the setting of parental control or linking domain names to devices that do not have a permanent IP address, gives direction to the wrong address. How does it work:

DHCP — how it works

If you need to connect an entire office or building, then DHCP distributes the relevant and correct addresses. It works in a client-server model: the range of addresses that can be distributed to clients shall be set. This range is called the “pool” and can be reported by the DNS server (IP address). Addresses are sent to all devices on the network and DHCP so they know that the address is occupied. The server responds with a DHCPACK and removes the IP address from the free pool. The principle is the same for both home and corporate networks.

The IP address is not assigned to a computer once and for all since the range of addresses to be distributed is limited. Therefore, they are leased for the duration of the device’s network activity. Based on the settings in the network, a PC will send DHCPREQUEST messages about once a day to extend the lease. The server confirms with a DHCPACK response message. If no renewal request is received, the assigned address will be returned to the pool of free addresses.

There are devices on the network with addresses that should not be changed, for instance, a printer, or router. A static reservation mechanism has been developed for them, so the IP address is assigned to them on a permanent basis.

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